For better or worse, I am perhaps best known for my work on The Kybalion. My 2013 article on the subject, published in the Journal of the Western Mystery Tradition, was the first significant work to challenge this text’s claimed association with Hermeticism and sparked a growing tide change in contemporary occulture with respect to the perceived legitimacy of the text.
The primary location for the article is in the JWMT archives, found here. It is also mirrored below in PDF form.
The Kybalion’s New Clothes: An Early 20th Century Text’s Dubious Association with Hermeticism
In 2006, Lucas Moraes graciously translated this essay into Brazilian Portuguese. You can download the PDF translation here:
A Nova Roupa do Caibalion: Associação duvidosa de um texto do início do Séc. XX com o Hermetismo
As a companion piece to this article, which also reflects the ways in which my understanding of the Kybalion and its historical context has grown over the past decade, I refer the podcast listener to my interview with Douglas Batchelor on What Magic is This?