Draw near, O thou great god Thoth! O Djeḥuti! O ⲐⲞⲨⲦ!
Divine Architect who comes to those who call upon him
Build in my heart and mind thy glorious Temple
Wer-Hekau, Thou who art Great in Heka
Thou Silver Sun, thou Beautiful One who shines in the night
Reflect the rays of Tiphereth into my willing heart
Thou who drives away evil
Preserve me against the Evil Triad as I persevere through the Mysteries
Lord of Heka, thou who fashioned the Magical Current
Lord of Judging, husband of Ma’at
Thou Orderer of Fate who peers into the heart of the Candidate
Superintend my judgement against the Feather of Ma’at in the Hall of Two Truths
Advocate for me and write my name in the Book of Life
Thrice-Great One who came to be at the beginning
Bestow your blessings upon me
And on the day of judgement, record that my heart is pure
Lord of Books and Lord of Script
Thou who sets forth by writing
Lover and Scribe of Ma’at who fashioned all things
As I sit myself down to dip my reed in ink
May your ḥeka flow through my hand
May my heart be made ma’at
And may I serve as a sacred scribe to your honor and glory
Aō, Aō, Aō Djeḥuti!
Vibrate: ⲐⲞⲨⲦ! ⲐⲞⲨⲦ! ⲐⲞⲨⲦ!
N.B.: Coptic ⲐⲞⲨⲦ is pronounced “tə-HOOT”.
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